CIPP photo by Brida_staright on Pixabay
In the past, there have been some questions as to whether or not CIPP solutions for pipe repair are really safe. There are some significant worries about the chemicals in the resin. However, there are also improvements that make a huge difference.
Being aware of safe handling and how to avoid toxic issues makes a substantial difference in the safety of CIPP. In this guide, we share some additional insights on this topic. Read on to learn more.
Concerns of CIPP
One of the primary concerns for safety has to do with the emission of chemicals. The chemicals in the resin can be toxic. In fact, there have been lawsuits against fume exposure because of related health complications.
This lining process has been around since 1971. It took some maneuvering and education to figure out what would work best. The fumes can be toxic and if overly exposed, there is the possibility of side effects.
The most common side effects include nausea, dizziness, and confusion. However, the truth is that these are common side effects of nearly any strong chemical out there.
Cautionary Use
These risks are why it is critical to have a professional handle the work for you. You also want an expert who will do it right and use proper safety measures.
A professional team that understands the risks will take steps to monitor and reduce risks. Experienced providers will take action to inhibit exposure that might lead to illness.
Precautionary measures should include appropriate safety gear for those handling the materials. In addition, they will take steps to protect anyone that would be in an exposure range.
Employee Protection
As new studies are used to determine exposure risks, companies like ours continue to take steps toward safety. Understanding the risks and possibility of exposure is so important for protecting the workers and those around the work site.
Those who are placing CIPP liners should take appropriate steps with breathing protection. The industry recommendation is respirator use, air blowers, and gas detectors. These steps do a lot to keep the crews safe.
Know and Understand the Risks
Are there risks from the fumes of CIPP? Absolutely! As professionals, it is our responsibility to understand those risks and take protective measures. In the commercial industry, there are also risks involved with mold removal, construction, painting, and more. But every task requires taking safety measures to prevent injuries and illness.
That’s what we do here. We are aware of possible risks of exposure and take the necessary steps to protect the crew and the public when these materials are used.
Advanced Pipe Repair Is an Experienced Provider
Advanced Pipe Repair has been serving the industry for more than 25 years. We have over two decades of experience handling CIPP materials. We take great pride in our work. It is also essential for us to protect our employees and those who may be affected by fumes during a repair.
We would be happy to further answer your questions. If you need pipe repairs, contact us today for more information.