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When Trenchless Repair is the Best Option

trenchless repair

Dreading getting your pipes fixed? Between the drilling, digging, time, expense, and noise, pipe repair isn’t a fun experience. But what if someone could repair your pipes without any digging at all? That’s not a hypothetical question. It’s completely possible to have your pipes fixed with little or no digging, thanks to something called trenchless repair.

When weighing trenchless repair against ordinary repair methods, you’ll probably wonder if your situation warrants this kind of repair. If you’re not sure, call the Advanced Pipe Repair team with your questions. In the meantime, here are a few situations that call for a trenchless repair method.

Vertical Pipes 

How tall is your property? If it’s tall enough to have vertical pipes, then it’s tall enough to benefit from trenchless repair if those pipes experience problems. For vertical pipes, repair can get complicated. It involves boring into walls to reach the damage, which means that you’ll have to get those walls fixed once the repairs are done. With trenchless pipe repair, the repair specialist usually just needs to find a single access point, which means less damage — if any — to your property’s walls.

Living Spaces 

If your property is an apartment, hotel, or something similar, consider the trenchless route for your pipe repairs. In any living space — whether long-term or temporary — people expect a reasonable amount of quiet. While you and your employees can get away from any pipe repair noise, it’s not so easy for your tenants or guests. Trenchless pipe repair is fairly quiet, especially when compared to other pipe repair methods. When you choose the trenchless option, you can keep these living spaces peaceful.

Of course, noise isn’t just a concern in living spaces. If noise would negatively impact your property in any way, consider the trenchless repair option. Without noisy digging and drilling, you won’t have to worry about raising your voice to speak to clients or dealing with major distractions during your workday.

Time-Sensitive Workplaces 

Likewise, you should think about using trenchless repair if you do a lot of time-sensitive work on your property. Again, all the noise of traditional pipe repair can distract you from your work, which can slow things down. Plus, depending on the location of the pipe damage, you may have to rearrange your workspaces or even move out of the building temporarily. None of these things bode well with time-sensitive work. Trenchless methods, on the other hand, don’t take up so much time and space, so you can continue using your building more or less as usual. 

Trenchless Repair from Advanced Pipe Repair

Have questions about trenchless repair and whether or not it’s right for your property? We’d be happy to answer your questions. Take a look at our CIPP repair page, or contact us for more information. 
